When I searched the book, it boasted of new granny squares but I failed to notice the rather old copyright date (1989..two years after I was born). While the book is straight out of the 80's, it does have some interesting squares. This one particularly caught my eye.
It's called "whirligig" and to me, I saw it as a sun, and quite possibly, an octopus. : D The first two rounds consist of triple crochet and the bordering rows are just double crochet. I was rather excited about picking my colors and getting to work. Below is my product!
I figured this would be a great way to get rid of a lot of the extra yarn I have, so I just kept making them determined to have a granny square blanket of my own. The one square slowly turned into 10!
I've finished the first row of my blanket and already have four more squares finished for the second row. I am trying to make this the most god awful brightly colored blanket that no one would ever admit to owning (well, except for me, but no one else can handle the double rainbow intensity that my eyeballs can). Here's a peek at the second row!I can't wait until I have enough squares to attach the second row. I AM PUMPED YOU GUYS.